this is not on web yet- but the links will work here and I will put this in attachment too. feel free to write directly on this doc. The first one is the most overdue. I will contact all one way or another too but would like to have your input first and what actions you will take or "orders" for me as I would like you to head "legal intake". .
and I have start the squinching of guides but dropped it in midair- will get that done.peg
Another installment of cases
( feel free to write comments on the documents)
These are typed out and/or dictated letters for prisoners asking for legal help
Normally . I would offer to advocate( get their hippa etc) and most would get a legal form from me with badger guide and explanaton that we guide only and what We provide-and I would offer to send jailhouse handbook if they still wanted to sue and also would send chapter of manual and then they would pick out the Manual chapters they wanted.
Now I do not know how to provide them with any information- Am working with shannon of “the community” who works with TB a lot- to see if some way we can get guides in through .they
Another idea is to buy the PLN health and safety guide they have= 16 dollars and very good- do you know it?
Protecting Your Health and Safety: A Litigation Guide For Inmates
Add to cart »
325 pages. Written by Robert E. Toone; edited by Daniel Manville.
Southern Poverty Law Center (2nd Edition, 2009).
Anyway- start getting shortened versions of what we have together and will send to you soon.
Here is another bunch of cases, some new, some long overdue. Please tell me your reactions and I will send them at least a one pager form tb given them next steps.
Oscar Anderson 151022 OSCI (Post marked 2-27-)lumbar disease and constant knee pain . needs MRI /has HSU docs here- has file a complaint /wants to sue. I can write one page tb and send him Badger guide on exhausting remedies etc= ask if he wants me to contact HSU? I can also buy the PLN health and safety guide for him ? LINK:
Jerry Pinedo 617272 NLCI 3 27 23
“What info can you provide me about filing a lawsuit against the DOC? Every time I go to segregation, the hole, it takes 3-4 days for them to give me my meds I usually am allowed to keep in my cell in general-population . These are my blood pressure and tylenol. I could have a stroke. I filed a complaint and had it affirmed, they admitted they did this. There’s no reason except they’re lazy. I need help to file a lawsuit. Thankyou.
Note: jerry has my corrlinks,so, if you send me your response, I will email him- I gave him your email address also- so he may ask for an invite.
Tamio T Shipman- Allen 599135 WCI (postmarked 31323)
“Sgt OC sprayed me called me Niggers & left me OC sprayed with no medical help for 30 minutes. The Dodge County Sheriffs Department charged him so I put my suit in on him a few weeks ago. I need any help you can give me. If you could find me a lawyer I will give you 30 % of my award. I also need a jailhouse lawyers handbook”
INote Tamio is not on my corrlinks- I can send your address thru Textbehind web though- let me know your reaction at any rate, I can try to send him the chapters maybe of the handbook he requests, I can ask him where he filed and for copy to send to you or prisoner litigator? this is light pencil- not scannable>
David Schlemm 198339 WSPF(Schlemm V. Fuchs No.21-CV-331-wisc.)
request written by Richard Paul 112903 WSPF
Post marked 31923
letter from Richard Paul regarding David Schlemm 198339 (Schlemm V. Fuchs No.21-CV-331-wisc.
SUM and advocacy request to me: David has waited 8 years to receive need surgery on his right foot, has been on crutches for two and now is subjected to the same DR ( ribault) (now in WSPF)that denied him medical care in the first place( in portage). Ribault disregarded David’s podiatrist order in 4 1 22 that he needs surgery on his right foot
For us
1) he needs an attorney to recruit an expert of medical knowledge to become fully involved in all of his pending existing civil cases due to the number of witnesses he has attached with all these specific cases
2) Was transferred for Portage in retaliation. Dr Ribault in portage had denied him the required surgery . he filed a lawsuit against Ribault after exhausting remedies.
3) He is subjected to the same doctor here, which is conflict of interest.
4) He has filed complaints that the Doctor is again denying him treatment and has taken away his wheelchair requiring him to use crutches
5) David has fallen on his face a few times as he is elderly and of poor nutrition.
6) Includes his Acct statement which shows that all his money is taken from him. He asks me to be David’s POA.
7) LINK:
Notes: I will write both these men and send this also to Bill Ledford as he knows ribault well and I believe was also moved in retaliation- has won against him_
Tyrone Jones 561781- GBCI( hard to reed so light)(post marked 32023)
“I have been told that you help locked up individuals.I would like the rules or administrative codes that the staff are to go by such as failure to protect and cruel and unusual punishment. Also, I am asking for 10 stamps and10 vanilla envelopes and as much typing paper as is
Who can I call or write?”
Can try to send chapters from manuals to him but he needs to connect to a litigator
I ordered the stuff he asked for and will write to get his story and contacts if he has family etc.
(note- very light pencil- obviously I RHU GBCI.)
Robert Jordan 381126 RCI (postmarked 3 22 23)
Had covid bad. Still dealing with his lawsuit. ” The correctional officer that ran my foot over skipped town and fled to Puerto Rico and the case was dismissed because I did not serve the defendant in the time given by the of now the case is in appeals court. If I am not granted a n appeal can I open it in the district court again? I would also like any copies you have of medical care and prison medical procedures and standards. I cannot find any. Is there a jailhouse lawyer I can have contact with? Would love to hear back from you.”
Note: you already told him he could still file in federal court as puerto rico is a US dependency- but here is more . Is he a good one to send the pln health guide noted above?
Brad Bates 367082OSCI-i. This case I would have sent out our legal form for Criminal- having him outline the case and what he has done and sent his response to Matt Stechauner , andre tinnon or steven Zastrow.he is not on my corrlink list. Will look over what I have on criminal appeal- I do have bunch of writs I do not understand etc- what do you suggest? LINK:
Derek A Tabbert 415637 WCI( very light pencil) will write and send our Civil form to get some specifics. tell about campaign, discuss movement options?-HIPPA signed- the whole works-but learning the law might really help him cope-
“I hope this letter finds it way to your mail because I am being mistreated by Waupun Medical and security staff.I even wrote to Kevin Carr about this and have not heard anything from his office.Ms Swan , I have noone to help me with this and I know you are the reason for the body cameras. So that is why you receiving this letter from me. I feel my health and safety is at risk , while I am here at Waupun, as well as any prison.
With all this being explained to you, I am hoping to hear back from you and you will have some impact, just like before. By the way .my release date is November 15,2025 20 I would appreciate if you could help me. Yours very truly.”
his is a start.
I am putting the ones we discussed at end and will finally have a way to file right- maybe using google drive.
Tony- with the cases in this section ( now 6) please ail me you ideas and I will send each a one page tb letter and will give contact info as is appropriate and connect them to Legal project as is needed-
READY to do :
1)Ennis Brown, Rose Brown’s son, is being charged for hospital stay when he self harmed due to mental illness. question is his assaultive conduct-
Read conduct report < page 3 of this:
letter transcribed:
2)Michael Evans is seriously, not making it- now on hunger strike.- see in RHU section
for possible criminal case review and most certainly for seg and parole campaign
FOR advocacy now: : Also has criminal case needs appealing. .
His Story: Question : after reading story belo, could there possibly be a Legal case for release? HE may be good poster boy for reduce population campaign
his story:
Michael Evan's documents CR
he is up for parole soon- will mount campaign with him as poster boy both for ol parole and for seg
TB one pager to him
3) Two health care cases- need advocacy and then possible suits- have them exhaust remedies " I am not getting health care I need."
Luis Nieve Has stage four cancer- all comforts and meds not life saving were taken away s
have lost thread here- this taking away of meds etc is system wide- class action_ exahust remedies?
Charlie Hainer 3 letters health care, elder abuse/ Elder abuse- infinirte waits times for MRI and help made a few attempts with HSU- noone in HSU seems to know anything 4 4 23- will email him for update and needs. Hav HIPPA and question is- should he exhaust remedies for a possible health care class actions.
4)CHILD CUSTODY PAYMENTS QUESTION: question on child custody paying- where do you go to change orders. I will find the letters- I think two guys but maybe one- Bryant Howze_-How does one attack the ruling. One guy'as child is 21 and they are still charging him- wants to get it corrected before he gets out- has no money so is paying nothing now.
Have not done anything yet
Jeff Poff (Coming)
Richard Paul And david Schlemm
Earnst Beahman
Anthony D Oliver criminal case
Group demand letters may help
1)Terrance Grissom transfer to COLO- this is joyce thompson’s con
2)Sean Forester Howe- 590081GBCI ( Bd 1981, 41 W) :family contact:mother:,Sean thinks he has Mrysa and says his body is covered with sores. Is on hunger strike to get treatment and has lost over 100 pounds. Nurse says he has history of mrysa bit no diagnosis of myrsa now- Has not seen outside doctor since 2019 . prison doctor saw him for hunger strike evaluaition and he has to recommend outside doct pt they cannot send him. Nurses completely dismissive- say “he likes segregation “and repeatedly said he is doing fine- when asked if she hd seen him , she said no. Also said the “don’t have soliitary confinement”- (strange mind game.)
Communication is hard -Sean has put himself into seg fro fear of threats and harrassment form people he fingered in the CR case. Security said that sean has not told him about threats and safety concerns and he has no lans to move him anywhere- Sean has to tell of specific incidents. wrote Sean for specifics.
Action? Group demand letter= outside evaluation/transfer out
also has broken leg ( staff caused)healed by itself- causing problems and inno/ wrongly convicted case.
Sean’s transcribed story ( written in small pencil print, unscannable)
1)Sean Forster Hoare Jane forester previous report:Sean has Mrysa and has not seen an outside doctor since 2019 ( verified by conversation with nurse) , he has gone on hunger strike because of lack of care and will not come off until he gets care, HSU ( health service unit)says he will not get care till he eats- This is illegal and unconstitutional but things continue= he has lost over 100 pounds and Contact is hard-- Nurse said he is getting electrolytes. To deny health care for ANY reason is illegal, and since he did not receive the care before the strike , there is no reason to believe he will get it if he stops. At least this brings pressure on advocates on the outside ( us),
3)Xavier Hayes-689448 BCI;(BD 2003, 20 yo,
Action ?: connect via TB web - giving him info of Families group contact to write and suggesting Group letter demanding Treatment facility :mendota or WRC /request update and sory- connect regularly
(carolyn Hayes , Aunt ( Charles Hart, family friend and advocate(
Xavier is very young, 20 years old, mentally challenged. His diagnoses before arrest were disregarded and the Public defender was no help. He has 3 years in and family are very worried that he will be harmed irreversibly. We are trying to get his medical records from before prison as they would show him seriously ill and not stable enough to stand trial . Like most of the people in WI RHUs ( restricted health units, )they are there because they acted out in general population. They are mentally ill and cannot take the chaos and abuse that is daily in general. Most also, went thru a process like Xavier did, where they are “evaluated” for competency and that is, according to prisoner reports: relentless interrogating/testing that goes on UNTIL the outcome desired by the DOC is reached, The exhausted prisoner simply says what ever is desired in order to have the ordeal ended. He is deemed competent to stand trial , or pleads “no contest” which is interpreted by the court as a guilty plea, and he goes to prison often with a ridiculously long sentence. There he ends up in solitary (RHU), gets no treatment or training, and is released to the street with no support,and the usual result- decades of prison. I believe, Xavier, like so many youths, a kid in trouble ,needing guidance and treatment who instead is stuck in a system that only wounds terribly.
4)TCI Walking 1/4 mile to HSU without coats issue /timothy getting update from TCI warden ( link letters)
Possible actions:Discuss what we can offer: division of labor- 1)statement and links to media ( Mario at WI Watch, MJS ) 2)wellness checks on HSers/ 3)open ;letter to Evers and carr and media demanding treatment center NOT more prisons. Pointing out mail over crowding no treatmen failures-4) one page letter thru TB to people on this list 5) then follow with bi weekly newsletter?expand as people request?
6)Discuss:Go to legislature about how best to get rhu prisoners to wrc- Tommie carter says needs transition before WRC- talk to Marlena larson about transition place- like WSPF or CCI- where they could have single ceel and slow transition to gen/talk about pilot program to get destree supplies in there
Michael Evans/ Warns of suicide. Because of seg conditions- old law prisoner at end of endurance- on hunger strike, ( see first section)
Michael Evan's documents CR
Xavier Hayes (see first section)
Next two are long time RHU prisoners that do diligent legal work. This has become nearly impossible. I had been getting their cases and doing minor stuff needed but now due to TB, nearly impossible. Both are self harmers and Fredrick goes on hunger strikes instead of self harming sometimes and is being threatened with AC. Both need more support
1)Fredrick morris: -
2)Jovan WIlliams-work on case now- see indv advocacy now above
Jovan WIlliams horror in obs:
Lonnie Mayer ( first section)
Cazionn WIlliams self harm and letter from granny/worked with him for few moths-
Damien Green- long term RHU and good source on info
Jason Kurtz seg and love
Dominique Tovsen casares GBCI Conditions/ tem[oraoly in RHU- remembers how bad it is
Consequenses of no treatment or suppoort
##Luis Granados went home straight from seg
##Jason Cantwell revocation story
Andrew Green - needs treatment before release in June
Catch 22- need prison doctor to get outside treatment
RELEASE is the big issue. He is mentally ill and says his diagnosis was change on admission to the prison and he has been given medication doses”for a child” was afraid of snapping out and now has and is in segregation. The incident involved taunting by a guard and some other guards commiserated with him- that this guy is trouble for others.
GOAL- get this guy to WRC before release in two months. He also needs safe housing apon release.
##Luis Nieve Has stage four cancer- all comforts and meds not life saving were taken away s
Aaron Robinson 565665 OSCI/ bd 1983 39YO B/outdate 11 30 27
-two issues:
1) Ingrown toenail- advocated to get hi special shoes / toenail was removed by surgery- and now has grown back, Aaron need a specialist which is not allowed unless requested by the prison doctor.
2) Not allowed to see his daughter as has SOT conviction ( stuatory rape/had affari with minor) has taken course and is more mature--
My actions for visiting daughter:gone as dr as we an go
My actions on ingrown toenail: advocated to get him special shoes got them =now am told no outside doc unless inside requests and visits take months- wrote. Had zoom visit with him
1)John Taylor- drug and alcohol addicted, Mentally ill , begging for treatment/often in trouble , has helping aunt we should invite to group. Called and advocated for alcohol treatment - finally got to point the staff perso admitted they did not have the personel
Dewitt Faulkner excellent on conditions
Jeff Poff
4923:advice, London White has an attorney for this case with a deadline in May. He should contact the attorney and file an appeal motion with the appeals court and /or ask for an extension form that appeal s court. Response sent thru TB with Guides email and contact info and email.
set up aoom2) Ennis Brown, Rose Brown’s son, is being charged for hospital stay when he self harmed due to mental illness.
letter transcribed:
letter and conduct report here. Note especially the conduct report on page 3:
done for now4 10 23/Mr Jordan's proposed defendant fled to Puerto Rico. Guide says he can still file suit in federal court a Puero Rica is an unincorporated territory of the United States . Response sent thru TB with Guides email and contact info and emal. Answer sent thru TB 410 23 qith Tony's contact info
resolution- Dushun is our and time to file motions is past, we did not act soon enough,
set up zoom 5)Lonny Mayer 167104 GBCI /PREA and illegal captivity and conditions
Lonny is being held in RHU ,revocated for violating no contact orders of his PO. The story sum is linked here:. Saw him on zoom and called hi preent girlfriend who he is not allowed to phone or have zoom with= that is all/She cannot come Wednesday nights but will do all to help.
Of greatest concern is the prison is not allowing him phone contact with anyone and he has lost his house, business and all contact with those important in his life. He says this is through the DA asking the WIDOC to broaden the judges simple no contact order for his
former fiance to mean everyone.
Also on Lonny Mayer= part of earliest letter speaking of the contact issue and also a PREA violation that was illegally ditched,
Lonny Mayer continued (2) PREA and illegal captivity and conditions
From February 2023 letter, typed form light pencil.
“This is the exact issue I've been experiencing about for a year I have not been able to talk to my family or friends or Associates not even to my attorney since April of last year.
The prison is doing this all without due process acting on the district attorneys instructions and they are either flat out denying the complaint I file through the icrs system or simply deny me access to file my complaints
Do you know that I had an officer make sexual advancements toward me. I wrote two security Supervisors…I spoke to several officers and filed a complaint on the matter. all of )which were ignored. This happened on November 28th and I've yet to be afforded access to file a formal complaint on the issue. They refused to acknowledge my ice and all the people I wrote asking to take my complaint have all failed to respond to my request.
There is a law called PREA. I'm sure you heard of it and the illegal phone restriction preventing me from filing a complaint to such.”
Lonny Mayer case sum (1)
will do zoom with him-upshot is that court ordered broad no contact and we could be liable for felony charges if we try to circumvent that- unfair or not- zooms are allowed. he is having much trouble with the isolation
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